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The rise of online learning has made online exams an increasingly integral part of the educational landscape. However, ensuring engagement and security in these exams can be a challenge. Here’s where EDExams comes in, offering a comprehensive solution to create engaging and secure online assessments.

Ensuring security

  • Secure browser environment: EDExams utilises a secure browser environment that restricts access to other applications and websites during the exam duration, minimizing the risk of cheating.
  • Randomised questions: Enhance exam integrity by randomising the order of questions or answer choices for each student. This prevents students from copying from each other, even if they are taking the exam at the same time.
  • IP-based authentication: Implement IP-based logins to restrict exam access to authorised devices and locations, further safeguarding the integrity of your assessments.

Benefits for educators and candidates

  • Reduced administrative burden: EDExams streamlines exam creation, grading, and reporting, saving educators valuable time and effort.
  • Accessibility and flexibility: Students can take exams from anywhere with an internet connection, making the process more accessible and convenient.
  • Detailed reports and analytics: Gain valuable insights into student performance and identify areas for improvement in teaching and learning.

Additional benefits of EDExams

  • Detailed reports: Gain valuable insights into candidate performance with comprehensive reports that analyse individual and class-wide results, aiding in personalised learning strategies.
  • Easy-to-use interface: The user-friendly platform allows educators to create and manage exams with ease, saving them valuable time and resources
  • Scalability: EDExams caters to institutions of all sizes, ensuring seamless exam administration regardless of the number of candidates participating.

Getting Started with EDExams

EDExams offers a user-friendly platform that allows you to create and manage online exams with ease. Whether you’re a seasoned educator or just starting with online assessments, EDExams provides the tools and support you need to ensure a secure and engaging testing experience for everyone involved.

EDExams’s locked-down application can be used by practically anyone looking to qualify for an online exam. To see its possibilities call 01909 384090, email or book a free online demonstration here.