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EdTech and online examination platforms have been increasing in popularity in recent years. Universities, awarding bodies and a variety of organisations have decided to use online platforms to deliver examinations due to several factors but mainly due to their efficiency.

Online exams can now be done in practically any subject you can think of. There are minimal negatives to online exam platforms as long as they are secure and there is effective proctoring included.

Convenience of online exams

Online exams can be taken from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes them ideal for candidates and employees who are unable to attend a traditional in-person exam.

Traditional exams can take an inordinate amount of time to organise and deliver and this can be spent elsewhere. Online exams can be extremely effective for businesses so that employees can focus on their work effectively.

Flexibility for all

Online exam platforms offer a high degree of flexibility, allowing instructors and employers to create and deliver exams that meet their specific needs. For example, instructors can use online exam platforms to create exams with a variety of question types, such as multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and essay questions. Instructors can also use online exam platforms to set time limits for exams and to allow candidates to review their answers before submitting their exams.

Some online platforms can even accommodate SEND candidates’ requirements so their exams can be as smooth as possible. Interchangeable layouts can allow candidates to feel relaxed when taking their exams so that they can fully focus.


Online exam platforms are more cost-effective than traditional paper-and-pencil exams. This is because online exams do not require the printing and distribution of paper exams, and they can be reused multiple times.
In addition to this, the cost of employing invigilators or sending employees off-site can be spent better in an organisation.

Reduced stress

Online exams can be less stressful for candidates and employees than traditional in-person exams. This is because online exams can be taken in a comfortable environment, and breaks can be taken as and when needed.

Online exams can help reduce anxiety levels for candidates by clearly outlining how long you have left in an exam with a visible timer and several prompts assisting.

Use EDExams to suit your needs

EDExams is a locked-down online examination platform that can provide a fully managed service so exams are made simple and easy. The managed service is beneficial as the team will sort everything out for you removing any worries that exams can provide.

You can even integrate your own exam into the platform so that any qualification can be obtained. Marking, results and feedback are also given so the exam process is effortless.

If you would like to learn more about EDExams call 01909 384090, send an email to or book a free online demonstration here.